Focusing Training Program

*Photo credit: The Fabric of the Universe, Christopher Morrison,

     Our Training Program is now online. Join us!     


  • I wanted to go to every session. It didn’t matter how tired I was. or how long my week had been, I wanted to go every time!
    Derek McClure
    Derek McClureLMHC and student, Seattle Focusing Institute
  • I’ve never experienced anything like it in any other training. It went very deep and I continue to get a lot from it.

    Renee La Roi
    Renee La RoiCertified Focusing Trainer and student, Seattle Focusing Institute

Focusing-Oriented Therapy and Complex Trauma Training Program

An embodied and relational approach to unwinding stress and trauma for therapists and healing professionals


Focusing-Oriented Therapy (FOT)

The first year of the program is called Focusing-Oriented Therapy (FOT). FOT is a body-centered and relational process that helps therapists keep clients safe and regulated while unwinding chronically stuck and traumatic experiences. In the first year of our program, you will learn Focusing as a self-experiencing process while also learning to help clients shift from distraction and disconnection to being connected and present.


Working with complex trauma

The second year of the program is called Focusing-Oriented Therapy and Complex Trauma (FOTCT). The program builds on the solid foundation of skills learned in the first year, while adding depth to your understanding of Focusing and its application for unwinding chronic stress and trauma. A significant amount of Focusing experience is required to participate.



Focusing certification demonstrates a level of learning and application, qualifies you to teach Focusing, and establishes you as part of a growing worldwide community of like-minded people bringing positive change to the world!

New online format

We have taken the best of our original in-person training program and created a wonderful new relational online experience using Zoom.

A two-year program

Our two-year Continuing Education Program is for therapists and healing professionals who want to embark on self-discovery and understanding, as well as to bring a profound new tool to their healing practice.


The First Year

The first year of our program is called Focusing-Oriented Therapy (FOT). It begins with a workshop called FOT-1: Learning How the Body Speaks and Listening so it Heals. Originally two full days, now broken up into four online sessions, the FOT-1 workshop introduces Focusing. FOT-1 is followed by four additional workshops to complete the first year.


Who should attend?

Focusing is an experiential embodied and relational process discovered through research into what brings change in psychotherapy. Often referred to as the essence of change, Focusing can be incorporated into any modality or practice.

All healing professionals benefit

All healing professionals benefit from learning Focusing for themselves, and appreciate the way it enables them to connect more deeply with those they work with while facilitating the clients’ own change. Our program is designed and approved for continuing education credits for therapists and it is also open to and enjoyed by others.

Past and current participants include:

  • Psychotherapists
  • Medical and Naturopathic doctors
  • Acupuncturists
  • Life and wellness coaches
  • Yoga teachers
  • Massage therapists
  • Spiritual directors
  • Alexander technique practitioners
  • Feldenkrais practitioners
  • Others seeking and promoting change personally, professionally, and socially

A message from Executive Director, Jeffrey Morrison

What makes this Focusing training program unique?

This Focusing training is not your typical continuing education for healing professionals!

Instead of teaching you a technique to do to someone, Focusing training reveals a naturally occurring, innately powerful, self-healing process. Focusing is psychological, philosophical, and touches spiritual edges as it takes you deeply into your own experiencing. A core value of this training is developing you – the healing professional – and how you incorporate your personal Focusing process into your healing practice with others.

Deepen healing rapport with clients so they stay your clients

We believe people want to be empowered to find their own unique process of change. The healing practitioners we would want to work with listen to how a situation is from our point of view. They respect, support and encourage us to trust our own sense of what is right as we make health decisions. Our culture is shifting from the healing professional being the authority, to being a participant-with-the-client on their journey. 

Healing as a partnership relieves the therapist from having to be the expert on What should be done, so they can facilitate the How or process of change. We don’t need to let go of our training or expertise, we just need to know how to help the client pause, find presence through embodiment, and fine tune their awareness to make healthier choices. This is the gift of knowing thy Self!

Develop your inner relationship

Throughout our Training Program, you will continually ground your experience in a widening sense of your authenticity. You will become attuned to your body’s way of communicating your personal truth about situations. When diving further into your own experiencing, a new understanding of what is meant by the body emerges: a body that is implicitly wise and able to be with emerging experience relationally. This allows you to develop an inner relationship with your experience such that you align with your deeper knowing.

This training program is designed to teach you these skills during workshops and support your learning between workshops through partner exchanges. It will put you in touch with your own experiencing process, so you can discover how you get blocked and how Focusing can continually illuminate the path to your own healing and growth.