
Calling all therapists, healing professionals, and spiritual seekers

The Seattle Focusing Institute is a place for learning about the human condition and paths to mental health and overall wellness. Though some of our offerings are oriented toward professionals, we welcome all who are curious. We’re all students of life.


Trouble Treating Trauma?| Zoom | 6 CEUS

Trouble Treating Trauma?| Zoom | 6 CEUS

Learn and experience the power of working with the Felt Sense – how the body holds living experience about a situation – and why it is the key to moving beyond the typical dead ends of therapy. The two days will be didactic and experiential with demonstrations. This is an easy way to taste the benefits of Focusing.

FOT and Restoring Wholeness| Zoom

FOT and Restoring Wholeness| Zoom

Discover a somatic healing practice that aligns inner truth with outer life called Focusing-Oriented Therapy (FOT).

The First Year: Focusing-Oriented Therapy | Zoom | 60 CEUS

The First Year: Focusing-Oriented Therapy | Zoom | 60 CEUS

Learn a body-centered and relational process that helps therapists keep clients safe and regulated while unwinding chronically stuck and traumatic experiences. In the first year workshop series, you will learn Focusing as a self-experiencing process while also learning to help clients connect with themselves in present.

The Second Year: FOT & Complex Trauma | Zoom  | 60 CEUs

The Second Year: FOT & Complex Trauma | Zoom | 60 CEUs

PTSD becomes post-traumatic growth, as we learn to accompany our clients on their journey to wholeness. Deepen your understanding of FOT and its application for unwinding chronic stress and trauma.




Focusing-Oriented Therapy and Complex Trauma Training Program. An embodied and relational approach to unwinding stress and trauma for therapists and healing professionals.